Manny De Montaigne drinks single malts

all things relating to Michel De Montaigne, Manny being Manny, and single malt scotches

Monday, November 19, 2007

Mike Lowell

What was the first topic on which we posted last night? What did we say was the first order of business for the Sox? Tonight the Boston media are reporting that Mike Lowell and the RedSox have agreed in principle to a three-year deal. If that's true, everyone who's anyone is signed up, not just for next year, but through 2010. And unlike 2004, when the front office decided they needed to rejuvenate an aging team, and they allowed some key players to defect (e.g., Damon), and traded away, or just declined to sign some others (e.g., Cabrera), this year management paid attention to the old adage: "If it's not broke, don't fix it." And with Ellsbury stepping up in the biggest series of the season, and Drew finally living up to the fans' expectations, there's really no position where anyone could even want much of a change. Plus, we can look to Lester and Buckholz joining the rotation full time next year. So maybe we'll need someone to replace Mike Timlin, who after all will begin collecting social security any day now; and we could still use another left handed reliever; but with Coco as trade bait, and considering that Okajima and Pap will still be anchoring the pen, that's not a huge hole to fill.

Meanwhile, the Yankees are doing pretty much as I suggested back in early October. What was it that the Emperor said in Return of the Jedi? "Everything has transpired according to my design." Check it out : the young Steinbrenners are piloting the ship, acting as though they have some idea what they're doing; the front office is still the same, but Torre is gone; A-Rod has been resigned. I know exactly what those guys are thinking - "when he's breaking the home run record five years from now (and he will break that record, for sure), we'll have a full house every day. We'll get back every penny we spend on his contract." Morons! They'd have a full house every day anyway, just so long as they kept putting a great product on the field. How many empty house have the Yankees played to in the Torre era? But even if A-Rod puts fans in the seats, or wins another three MVP awards, he's yet to show he can put rings on anyone's fingers. So I guess they didn't realize my advice was tongue in cheek.

In any event, Ill be a happy man with Lowell back in Boston, and the Yankees spending close to thirty mill every year to keep A-Rod at third. And I'll trade all those individual accolades - A-Rod's MVP; Sabathia's Cy Young; the Three-Six Mafia's Oscar; for another couple championships. Go Sox.


Blogger Chuck said...

I am glad you're happy with your redsox team. Basically the same as last year naturally the same result will be expected. Not so fast let's see the same level of production from players who had close to career years and performance from pitchers in their freshman and sophomore years. We play on the field not on paper.

Having said that the Yankees are in just about the same boat. Having resigned the top free agents in the market at closer, catcher and 3rd base. All Yankees. Sure you will say the Yankees over paid or added a year to those contracts but we were not going to let those guys go elsewhere. In the case of Posada and Mo many years of quality at great value needed to be rewarded. We don't let our guys go elsewhere (as the redsox did with Damon).

Since you have the crystal ball I want to renew our 2007 bet (as I prepare to pay you)in 2008. Head to head who finishes first in the AL East for a bottle of single malt.

Finally the Yankees revenue is not tied to the stadium seats we have a money machine called the YES Network. A-Rod will help to sell advertising for it for the next 10 years.

Let the games continue,

12:35 PM  
Blogger pops said...

You're on; we need to settle on the proper whisky. We could do Macallan 15, or Lagavulin, or Bruichladdich 15, or A'Bunadh, or the Glenlivet Nadurra I had the other night at Danny's, or who knows what else.
Now as for your free agents -- Yankees were smart to resign Rivera, even smarter to resign Posada, and they wasted their money signing A-Rod, because for all that dough, he's still a bitch, and for all his awards and records, he's never helped his team win shit.
Am I right?

6:40 PM  
Blogger Chuck said...

We can settle the stakes in 'rajester' next week.

Right on A-rod but maybe we can get performance in the post season one of these years. The probability improves as each dismal post season is behind us.

10:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So after 2 rings David has finally cinched up his nut sack and defends his precious with long awaited arrogance. G-Man I would be happy to take a piece of that wager as we will finish 1st in the East and depending on a couple of pieces in the pitching trades we will be the favorites for the series. The likelihood of another start like last year is best described by a yiddish expression intended as code so goyim wouldn't understand, it translates to: "it doesn't climb up and it doesn't fly". A-Rod is worth every penny he will be paid. The Yanks will make a huge return economically on that contract(which means they will actually have a net cost much lower) and so will A-Rod. Baseball is a business to those involved and religion only to its fans. I said it when we thought he left - we are a better team with him than without, period, and I am thrilled he's still with us. If Nation fans are sick of us wait...its going to get nightmarish. Can't wait for April....daled

1:52 PM  
Blogger Chuck said...

Daled - I could not have said it better. Also happy to share the wager but with the success of the redsox I am sure Berg can cover 2 bets. With success comes responsibility to defend your team against all contenders. This is what Yankee fans have been doing for decades.

The talking heads say the Yankees and the redsox will be the only teams in the Santana sweepstakes. Hughes/Kennedy and Melky versus Clay B and Coco puffs. Pretty even it may come down to the 3rd player (prospect)on who gets Santana. Bottom line I do not believe the Yankees will be out bid. They will not allow the redsox to have Beckett/Santana at the top of the rotation.

Have a Happy to all (Yankee and redsox fans) on this blog.
PS - the Orange looked very young last night but I feel they need to eat some humble pie and better early in the season.

10:44 AM  

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