Drinking 18s for Danny
Danny could not be here, even though G-Man’s visit meant that the Haters Ball, and the Whisky Lovers Ball were going to be held, simultaneously, in Rochester. And worse, Danny was not able to share in the many malts we sampled during G-Man’s visit.
So to make up for that, we tried to drink only whiskies that we felt Danny would enjoy. (I know what you’re thinking: what is the whisky that Danny would not enjoy? But what I meant was, that we wanted to drink whisky that Danny would really enjoy. Okay?) And we made a special point of drinking eighteens. L’Chaim.
Here you see Laphroaig 18, one of the newer offerings from Laphroaig -- that special combination of brine and peat, only made silky smooth and mellow by all that time in the barrel. Then we had the HP 18, always an excellent choice, if not the very best possible all around choice. I mean, how can you go wrong drinking HP 18? And of course, we drank the elegant and elusive Bunnahabhain 18. It’s Danny’s favorite, and really, it’s hard to find a whisky that tops this malt. That buttery texture, and that impossible-to-describe Bunnahabhain flavor, with some mysterious spice that lurks deep inside the flavor of the malt. Yum!
Anyway, Danny, I know you’re stuck in New York right now, but I want you to know you were here in our hearts. Every time we raised one of those 18s, we thought of you. Go Danny.
So to say I appreciate the gallant efforts of friends is a vast under statement. The choices were clearly impeccable. The age statement perfect (on every level). Though no mention was made of the Haters Ball side of the weekend event. It seems a discussion should ensue regarding our conversation about logo baseball caps. I think the event warrants the loser wearing the hated cap through the evening at the vary least. Photographed for posterity. Daled
This was only the first of many postings.
Stay tuned to the blog.
Danny you were missed. If the standings hold then the redsox fans win. Then maybe we can all drink 18 year old single malt in Portland Maine with lobster.
I think you will be happy with a photo I had taken of David and I.
Take care,
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