Manny De Montaigne drinks single malts

all things relating to Michel De Montaigne, Manny being Manny, and single malt scotches

Friday, November 07, 2008

Barack44 - an Select Invitation

My friend Matt, a huge SU sports fan, had an epiphany. Barack, the first African-American president-elect, is also the 44th pres. So SU, which has immortalized (and foolishly retired) that number, needs to present Barack with his own personalized 44 jersey, not at the White House, but in the Dome, perhaps at half time of the Georgetown game, on Saturday, Valentine's day.

In any event, we are setting up another blog, which we intend to use for the purpose of lobbying the AD to do this, and publicizing this grassroots movement. John has friends with Daily Orange connections, so we should be able to drum up support at the University.

The blog is going up this weekend. By this posting, I'm inviting G-man and Chip to be contributors. I'd use e-mail instead of this public notice, but Susan's computer broke, and I can't find Chip's e-mail. If you guys want to contribute, to be able to post, you have to do two things:
Thing 1 - go to and set up an account. (You may have already done this in order to submit comments on mannymontaigne under your respective names.)
Thing 2 - Then send an e-mail to John with your blogger ID, your e-mail and your password, so John can get you included as a contributor when he does the set-up this weekend. I don't want to put John's e-mail on here, so either call Susan's cell, or send us an e-mail, and we'll tell you how to contact John.

See you all at the Dome for the big event.


Blogger Chip said...

Count me in! I'm in Boston today and will give this more attention tommorrow when I get back home-great idea. Maybe I'll give our good friend Joe Howell at Federal a visit.

8:45 AM  

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