Manny De Montaigne drinks single malts

all things relating to Michel De Montaigne, Manny being Manny, and single malt scotches

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Too Little, Too Late

So far, it’s been a pretty nice fall day, almost a beautiful day. First off, after eleven losses in a row, Cuse finally won a football game. They beat Illinois, away. For three quarters, they seemed to dominate the game; although it’s true they had a couple lucky bounces. But in the fourth quarter, they let Illinois come back on them, and run up close to 200 yards. Twice they gave up touchdowns on passing plays of 70 some yards. So what’s the opposite cliché for the silver lining in every cloud? It won’t go unnoticed that we have this weakness in our defense, even though for the past three weeks the defense has otherwise played tough. Perhaps it was just a momentary lapse, or two.

Not long thereafter, the Sox won the first game of four to be played over the weekend with the Yankees. It’s too late to mean anything; we’re a couple miles behind them in the AL East; and there are three teams with about a six game advantage in the wildcard. Plus, if by some miracle the Sox did make the post-season, who would pitch for them? Who are the healthy starters? Who’s the closer? Still it’s always nice to beat the Yankees. Beckett threw pretty well, and Timlin and Foulke both looked like their old selves. I’d just like to see them finish the year playing well.

And for good measure, Michigan trounced Notre Dame, in South Bend no less. That ought to put an end to any talk of a national championship for the Irish. So while we can’t look forward to the baseball post-season; and even though there’s no chance Cuse will get to play in a bowl game this year, even in some cheesy bowl; at least we can take pleasure in seeing teams we hate get their asses kicked.


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